Employing ternary fission of 242Pu as a probe of very neutron rich (Yp=0.036) matter
J.B. Natowitz, H. Pais, and G. Roepke

Correcting for calculated excitation energy in DAPPER
A. Abbott, R. Rider, M. Sorensen, A.B. McIntosh, K. Hagel, and S.J. Yennello

Investigation of ground state alpha cluster structure using the NIMROD detector array
Z. Tobin, K. Hagel, A. McIntosh, R. Wada, B. Harvey, and S.J. Yennello

Proximity decay effect in 28Si + 12C at 35 MeV/u using FAUST
K.A. Hannaman, A.B. McIntosh, B. Harvey, K. Hagel, A. Abbott, J. Gauthier, T. Hankins, Y.-W. Lui, L. McCann, L.A. McIntosh, R. Rider, S. Schultz, M. Sorensen, Z. Tobin, R. Wada, and S.J. Yennello

Studying multinucleon transfer on the 197Au +197Au reaction
K. Zelga, A. Hood, K. Hagel, R. Wada, and S.J. Yennello

The nuclear caloric curve: Temperatures of simulated quasi-projectiles
M. Sorensen, A.B. McIntosh , B. Harvey, Z. Kohley, and S.J. Yennello

The search for toroidal high-spin isomers in 28Si + 12C at 35 MeV/u using FAUST
A. Hannaman, K. Hagel, A.B. McIntosh, B. Harvey, A. Abbott, J. Gauthier, T. Hankins, Y.-W. Lui, L. McCann, L.A. McIntosh, R. Rider, S. Schultz, M. Sorensen, Z. Tobin, R. Wada, and S.J. Yennello

Searching for long-lived superheavy elements produced during multinucleon transfer
K. Zelga, K. Hagel, R. Wada, and S.J. Yennello

Metal adsorption on functionalized silicon detectors for the future study of meitnerium chemistry
Zakusilova, E.E. Tereshatov, M. Boltoeva, C.M. Folden III

High energy neutron production and three nucleon collisions in intermediate heavy ion collisions
R. Wada, Q. Hu and G. Tian

Toward understanding relativistic heavy-ion collisions with the STAR detector at RHIC
D.M. Anderson, Y. Liu, S. Mioduszewski, J. Pan, J. Tyler, and the STAR Collaboration